GUNDERSEN & PRICE provides high quality technical photographs for use by your surgeon, doctor, clinician or consultant.
What exactly is a medical photograph? Is an accurate digital photograph of the area your doctor needs to see. The image may be only digital or it may also be in print form. A medical photograph is not an x-ray. Why do I need medical photographs? For aesthetic, cosmetic, reconstructive or plastic surgery our photographs are used for reference before, during and after your procedure. The photographs may be used for sketches or even for the doctor to mark on directly during consultations as well as an accurate reference for future surgeries. The before and after photographs are useful for both you and your surgeon to use as a reference. Our photographs offer views in various animated and relaxed poses. These views are otherwise not possible to see during the procedure. |
medical photography:
is a specialized area of photography that concerns itself with the documentation of the clinical presentation of patients, medical and surgical procedures, medical devices and specimens from autopsy. -Peres, Michael, editor. Focal Encyclopedia of Photography Routledge; 4 edition, 2007. |
a consultation between doctors or between doctors and patients on a network or video link (e.g., Facetime, intranet, Internet, Skype, etc.). (n.d.) Segan’s Medical Dictionary. (2012). Retrieved January 23 2020 from http://medicaldictionary.thefreedictionary.com/teleconsultation |
If you are consulting with a doctor in another country or different state medical photographs can help aid in your phone consultation as a reference for both you and your doctor. For dermatological (mole mapping) patients we provide full body photography to help you and your doctor monitor your moles and their changes. Medical photography can also be used to assist clinicians in diagnosis and monitoring of patient conditions, disease and progress.
How are the photographs taken? Your photographs are taken by an experienced photographer. We understand this might be a difficult process for some patients and we try to provide a comfortable and stress free experience. Does it hurt? No, medical photography does not hurt. |
Can I keep my clothing on?
Depending on the area being focused on, you may be asked to remove certain articles of clothing. These photographs are a diagnostic tool, as such it is very important to be able to properly photograph the area of concern. Is there a female photographer? Yes, there is a female photographer. Do I need to do anything in preparation for my appointment? Depending on the area of focus you may need to remove make-up, jewelry, tie all hair back, remove articles of clothing or wear specific clothing. For Total Body Photography patients, if you have a mole obscured by hair you may need to shave ahead of your appointment. You will be given detailed instructions when you call to schedule your appointment |
mole mapping:
(Medicine) the procedure of using a digital camera to record the positions and appearances of moles on a person’s body so that regular checks will detect any changes that might lead to skin cancer. Collins English Dictionary-Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 HaperCollins Publishers. Web 23 January 2020. https://www.thefreedictionary.com/mole+mapping |
Will the appointment take a long time?
Most patients only need to plan on being here for about 30 minutes. If you are having extensive work done please allow for a little more time.
Mole-mapping patients plan on being here for about 60 minutes.
Where do I go?
All of our shoots are by appointment only, this is beneficial to our clients in order to maximize privacy. We have two locations. One studio is located on the Upper West Side in Manhattan and the second is in Westport, CT.
What happens after my session?
We take care of delivering your photos to your doctor, hospital, clinician, consultant or surgeon. You do not need to come back to pick up the photos.
What about the POST-operative photographs, when do I do those?
Your doctor, hospital, clinician, consultant or surgeon will tell you when it is time to schedule an appointment for your follow-up photographs.
Do I really need to take the after photos?
Yes. As part of your follow-up care after a surgical procedure it is helpful for you and your doctor to have the POST-Op photographs. They are an accurate reference to gauge healing as well and the final results of surgery.
The post-op photographs are essential if you have any questions or concerns after your surgery.
Okay, but why can’t I just take photos with my iPhone or camera phone and send them to my doctor?
GUNDERSEN & PRICE photographs are a technical reference for your surgical procedure or monitored healthcare. You could take photos with your smartphone, but the quality, accuracy, and focus, color and contrast consistency would vary greatly. We love our iPhones just like we love Polaroids. However, when it comes to surgical photographs there is no substitute for accurate medical photographs taken by a professional.
But my doctor took photographs in the office…?
Sometimes your doctor may take some quick snapshots in their office. If your doctor has referred you to Gundersen & Price it is because they recognize the value of detailed, accurate photographic references and documentation.
Most patients only need to plan on being here for about 30 minutes. If you are having extensive work done please allow for a little more time.
Mole-mapping patients plan on being here for about 60 minutes.
Where do I go?
All of our shoots are by appointment only, this is beneficial to our clients in order to maximize privacy. We have two locations. One studio is located on the Upper West Side in Manhattan and the second is in Westport, CT.
What happens after my session?
We take care of delivering your photos to your doctor, hospital, clinician, consultant or surgeon. You do not need to come back to pick up the photos.
What about the POST-operative photographs, when do I do those?
Your doctor, hospital, clinician, consultant or surgeon will tell you when it is time to schedule an appointment for your follow-up photographs.
Do I really need to take the after photos?
Yes. As part of your follow-up care after a surgical procedure it is helpful for you and your doctor to have the POST-Op photographs. They are an accurate reference to gauge healing as well and the final results of surgery.
The post-op photographs are essential if you have any questions or concerns after your surgery.
Okay, but why can’t I just take photos with my iPhone or camera phone and send them to my doctor?
GUNDERSEN & PRICE photographs are a technical reference for your surgical procedure or monitored healthcare. You could take photos with your smartphone, but the quality, accuracy, and focus, color and contrast consistency would vary greatly. We love our iPhones just like we love Polaroids. However, when it comes to surgical photographs there is no substitute for accurate medical photographs taken by a professional.
But my doctor took photographs in the office…?
Sometimes your doctor may take some quick snapshots in their office. If your doctor has referred you to Gundersen & Price it is because they recognize the value of detailed, accurate photographic references and documentation.